In the hands of the computer, luck or greater numbers must be at your side. In your hands, any ships would accomplish anything, just a matter of difficulty and planning.

It is wise to have some extra cash to equip a ship to full readiness.

2) Ships Statistics - These ships are expensive, that includes upgrading them to its full potential, that is their speed, cargo space, steering, weapons, shields, command softwares and accessories. Please download it at its homepage at or there are differences between version 1.3 and 1.4, mainly transports ships stats. However, updates will only be made at (much too lazy) Note: I'm playing now X2 version 1.4 U.S. The following websites are allowed to post this faq: Dlh.net ign.com If you want to post it on your website, please contact me and this list will be updated. To send corrections and smart comments, please e-mail me at : Any attachments and flames will be deleted, in addition to other suspicious e-mail. If you are a modder, use this file - this is based Chorizosss's automated HUD hider, - and drop the the \domino\system\ folder and make your compilation.YES NOpleze if you cna raed tihs, tehn tehre is litlte need for corcertion.) You will be given proper credit and a thank you note. Everytime when you press F3 ingame toggle the HUD's visibility too.ī, Patched - you use a modded patch file. An possible option decreasing this effect if you change hotkey an FC3 used hotkey like F3 or M. You can disable/enable the HUD by a hotkey or hotkeys, but need an extra operation in game - like press ESC (view the menu) or F3 (view in LootRuck) how the program refresh this. If you need reconfigure the hotkeys just righ click the HUD TOGGLE and change hotkeys whatever you want.Ī, Normal - you use the latest official patch (1.04). PgUp - toggle HUD live - work only if you use a patched compilation. Open the downloaded CT table, switch the game and you can use the default hotkeys: Just download this file, start the game, start CE and select farcry~ process. Warning! Use own risk! This mod is harmless and don't affect the a multiplayer game experience but I don't recommend how use online play (especially if you use the patched method.). I try to share an alternate method how to possible manually switch on/off the main hud (including minimap, stealthindicators, ammo etc.